Iterative Design

Pre-Design Thinking

Pills2Me is a startup that aims to deliver medicine from pharmacies to you. We are designing a prototype for mobile.

 Users impacted by interface:

The interface aims to provide a simple and convenient method for ordering and schedule their medication delivery to home when the patient is free to receive it. 


Person 1’s Design:

Person 2’s Design:

Person 3’s Design:

Person 4’s Design:

Combining Ideas into a Wireframe

Interactive High Fidelity Mockup

See the Figma file for our final design after crit or play through the mockup.

This was our design before crit:

Mockup Crit in Studio

This was our design after crit:

Determine a Task

Overall Task Description: You are provided a prototype of a model app for our startup Pills2Me. Your instructions are to order ibuprofen medicine and set up delivery to your home (1032 Palm Street), with delivery instructions to keep cold, and to select delivery time of March 8th for 11:30am, then track your delivery. Please think out loud!

SubTask 1: Were you able to set the delivery address (1032 Palm Street)?

SubTask 2: Were you able to set the date for March 8th for 11:30am?

SubTask 3: Were you able to track your delivery and contact your driver?

Post Questions:

Feedback & Analysis

Videos: User A, User B, User C

Summery of feedback and observations from videos: